Before we jump into the 7 roles of a business owner, I need to apologize… It’s been over a month since I’ve published a blog post…

Needless to say… I DROPPED THE BALL… and that’s totally NOT OK!

My life has been CrAzY the past several months!

(… Crazy in a good way!)

Earlier this month I was invited to speak on stage at a big, 3-day event in Dallas, Texas.

I was asked to share a framework I created, called the Strategic Marketing Compass, with over 100+ entrepreneurs, business owners, and Non-profit organizations.

Between then and now, I have been working feverously to launch a new WordPress video training platform, called CodingOptional. Which has already started to take off! It’s really exciting!

Not only that, but I sold my car, purchased a new car, and I’ll be moving to a new condo over the next couple days.


Just two days ago, I held a small live workshop in Scottsdale, Arizona and I shared some new material with the group that I’d like to share with you today.

(Needless to say, I’ve had my hands full.)

Anyways, enough about me… the concept that I created and would like to share with you is called…

The 7 Roles of a Business Owner

(Before you freak out, it’s not a book, or a program, and there’s no sales pitch in this email. I promise you can keep reading without kissing your seat 😉 )

I have determined there are seven key roles that all business owners have to give attention to.

What I’ve discovered is that the EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL business owners focus most of their effort and attention on just 3 of the seven roles.

While those who struggle, tend to spend little or NO effort on those very same three roles.

Instead they focus on other roles, that are definitely important, but they aren’t the roles that help create a lucrative business with long-term, sustainable growth and a future of financial freedom.

The 7 Roles of a Business Owner are:

Architect – Big Picture, Vision, Business Model, Strategy

Engineer – Processes, systems, infrastructure

Coach – Training, Teaching, Motivating your team

Student – Learning & educating self, developing new skills

Carpenter – Actual hands-on work & visual appearance of your business

Promoter – Sales, Markeitng, Social Media, Networking, etc.

Groundskeeper – Dirty work, maintenance, organizing

As you can see…

ALL of these roles are very important and are essential to creating a successful business.


Did you notice?

The first three were underlined…

WHY so?

Can you see a common thread that ONLY those three roles have?

Ok, I’ll give it to you.

The Architect, Engineer, & Coach roles, all have a component of Leverage!.

The Architect Role is the big picture plan. Brainstorming new products, services & business plans that will generate revenue for your business. Once you create a product or new business model, you have a revenue generating asset.

The Engineer Role has to do with creating & developing processes and systems that work FOR you, with little or no continual effort on your part. If you set up a system correctly, it require very little, if any, of your continual personal effort.

And the Coach Role is all about investing in the personal and professional growth of your team. When you help accelerate the personal and professional development of your team, their productivity and excitement towards their work will increase. This means an increase in leverage as the business owner.

The Struggling Business Owner

See, most people focus on the Carpenter, Promoter & Groundskeeper roles.

For example, Most people focus on networking or generating sales. Both are highly important to growing a business but, a sale is a one time transaction. Depending on your business model, no matter how much effort you put into building a relationship, the time-frame of the second sale could be months or even years away.

So… that means you need to start over… and go get another sale.

Most business owners are on a “get another sale” treadmill and they feel stressed out, over worked, frustrated, and overwhelmed; and this is a reason why 90% of businesses fail. People are simply focusing on the wrong roles.

The Successful Business Owner

The successful and savvy business owners, create systems that work for them.  Sales, marketing & follow up Systems that work while they are in meetings, while they’re sleeping, while they’re playing a round of golf, or playing on the beach with their family in the Bahamas.

McDonald’s doesn’t have the best burger, but they have GREAT systems & processes where they can virtually plug anyone into their system to generate the same result. A high-school student can be plugged into their system, it’s that simple.

Now, if you’re anything like me… I’m a do-it-myself-er… well a recovering one. An the thought of not doing it yourself might cause your skin to crawl a little bit.

However, when done-right, systems and processes actually create better results than either you or I can, no matter how good we think we are.

In order to make millions of dollars IN your business or from selling your business some day, you MUST have some damn good systems.


The bottom line question of the day is, where in your business can you focus more of your personal time on leverage-based efforts?

If you were to focus more energy & effort on the Architect, Engineer, & Coach Roles

What would you do?
What would your next steps be?

Shoot me a quick message in the comments section below with your thoughts on the concepts I’ve shared with you in this blog post, today.

Also, If you’d like to know what tools I recommend for processes and systems, don’t be afraid to ask.

I’d love to hear what you plan to focus more on in your biz.

Please drop me a quick comment below! I look forward to hearing form you!

Michael R. Hunter
Michael R. Hunter
Michael R. Hunter is the founder of Right Mindset Daily, and Co-Founder of Paperplane. A trusted authority in marketing, Michael is passionate about helping small business owners grow and develop their business. When he's not saving the world from utter chaos, Michael enjoys watching the Denver Broncos, snowboarding, racing go-karts, and traveling. My Google Profile+

Please share your thoughts in a comment below!

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