Strategic Marketing Consultant

Michael R. Hunter specializes in overall marketing strategy and online marketing integration. The top reasons why most businesses fail is because they lack strategy and cash-flow. This is why strategic marketing is so important.

Whether you are thinking about starting a successful business or already have a successful business, Michael’s unique perspective and strategic marketing expertise can help accelerate business growth.

If you already have a business up and running, Michael will focus on three things:

(1) Helping you refine and optimize your marketing efforts for maximum effectiveness.
(2) Determining a strategic plan of action to take your business to the next level.
(3) Exposing new areas of opportunity for growth.

If you are still just getting started, Michael’s valuable insight will help you navigate the beginning stages of your new venture to cut down your learning curve and avoid costly mistakes.

One of Michael’s core Marketing principles is integration. He believes that your business’s marketing efforts should be treated like an expert-level game of chess. Every piece of your marketing that goes out, every move you make, should have an intentional purpose and should be aligned with a common end-goal.

Working together with your team, Michael will help align your marketing efforts for maximum effectiveness. Michael’s unique perspective will bring new ideas to light and give you the direction and clarity you need to move towards your goals confidently.

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Common Consulting Topics

Below is a list of common areas of focus from past consultations with business owners and marketing teams.

  • Gaining clarity on a business idea or new product
  • Competitive analysis and target market identification
  • Product/Service differentiation & unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Strategic planning and prioritization of major tasks
  • Marketing strategy & action plan development
  • Content Marketing Strategy & Implementation Plan
  • Social Media Marketing Strategy & Implementation Plan
  • Integration of marketing efforts
  • Determining or optimizing metrics and measurables
  • Identifying new areas of growth
  • Website, social media, & online marketing audits
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